Tooth Whitening
Tooth Whitening
We here at fort dental aim at providing the bright white flashy smile which everyone’s desire.Our professional team here at FORT DENTAL HOSPITAL aims at identifying the problem and provides the pearly white smile to our patients.
Tooth discoloration/stains can be due to various factors
- Trauma,
- Infections
- Dental Caries
- Smoking
- Coffee
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Various medications
- Age related.
Procedure for teeth whitening/bleaching?
Our professional will examine your tooth and figure out the stains and their causes.Subsequent procedure will involve cleaning of the teeth to remove the coating of the food debris on the teeth.
Time taken for the procedure?
Teeth whitening/Bleaching procedure takes about 45-90 mins per visit?
Will the procedure be painful?
Absolutely not.Though some tingling sensation may be experienced by some patients,which also subsides in a few hours.
Follow up instructions after the procedure?
Avoid food which tends to stain (red wine,sauce,tea,coffee).Avoid smoking and alcohol for 48 hrs for better results.
Will my existing filling or restoration also get white by tooth whitening/bleaching?
No,tooth whitening/bleaching does not show any benefit on older fillings.Consult our team for change of fillings/restoration.
Our team here at FORT DENTAL HOSPITAL AT TOLICHOWKI, HYDERABAD aims to provide the holistic approach and achieve the desired results of tooth whitening/bleaching,addressing patients concern for the treatment, identifying the causes of staining and providing counselling for maintaining a long lasting healthy and bright smile.